Vogus Transport
Not rated

By manicmoose
01/07/2009 - 15:19:52
Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.12 (Not rated)
Tags: set:vogus
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By manicmoose
01/07/2009 - 15:19:52
Type: Economic land vehicle
Rating: 0.12 (Not rated)
Tags: set:vogus
By boggernaut
I made a spaceship that hauls a cargo crate called the Festo Company Cargo Transport. It lacks the style of your design, but I do like my idea of holding the cargo in place with electromagnets.
By smashed_up_car
Thank you for understanding about the comment thing. My brother is really annoying sometimes. I changed my password. Once again, thank you so much for understanding...
By sew654321
Nice transport
By Karl-EL
Nice construction. I like the crate underneath. R+
By trondtrond