Bardos W-1BC

By Iraultza87
12/26/2008 - 21:21:41

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 2.34 (Good)
Tags: bardos, cruiser, iraultza87, missile, ship, space, trade, turret, warship


In general terms the Bardos Corp is a peacefull and comercial company.. but in the inmensity of space not all is peace an trade.. sometimes the war is a fact and there's no way to Avoid it ,in those ocassions the Bardos flees their warships the 'W' class ships.


By ProcyonGuardian

like the side engines

By nogoodnames

Very unique

By shattari

so awesome!!

By brenner

Looks tough, the shape is unique - I really like it

By Koil08

the cannons are superb!

By Psychichazard

yeah, that's superb! R+

By codyr2391

Awesome looking battle ship. I love the unique style.


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