Bristlefy Billapip

By Spooradit
12/22/2008 - 07:29:03

Type: Creature
Rating: 3.26 (Good)
Tags: markiem32, mmbt1, omnivore, template, tripod


Made using Markiem32's Billapip template. Here: http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-markiem32%7C2265446236%3Asast-500212640929
These creatures are natural conjurers a great showmen. They regularly put on shows for the public. You've not lived until you seen one of these gnaw a woman in half or pull a tadpole of a hat.


DNA points
51 Bones3 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Omnivore
Health: +3
25 %
72.78 %
7 / 20
14 / 20
8 / 15
4 / 53 / 55 / 5
2 / 52 / 53 / 5
1 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 55 / 5

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By Gryphon57

A great little Billapip !!

By markiem32

Thanks for participating in the contest. I selected Pitouqwerty's Armored Billapip as the winner. There's a link to it on the trophy I created. Happy New Year!

By mamapook

Well done!

By OilLupus

You can tell When I'm Tired or in a really really realy cynical mood, b/c thats when I write really good stuff... And I'm in a good mood If I'm saying stupid stuf like this ;)

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His gaze intimidates me

By OilLupus

Judging by Com Times, Youvr got to be on the other flipping side of the world!

By OilLupus

I'm glad you liked the Descrip, And I think my beliefs help me put more emfasis in my work!

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I myself don't support any war, I just want everyone possible to return home safely!

By OilLupus

The only thing that should be praised more than the men who fight the wars are those who don't start them or need them! Del

By loach

cool! really awsome bird!!! :)

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