Zerg Hive
Not rated

By Fatalyze
12/13/2008 - 21:17:03

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: fatalyze, starcraft, zerg


By ghostkenk9

looks great but u forgot one detail: the pits where drones deposit minerals.

By segoodrich

Ooops, i unintentially made a creature called a zerg, and then a zergling >-l

By Berekän

Awesome! Looks like the one in the game!

By entity42

very good, It looks organic, very well made.

By Icarax

Nice work.

By Thobewill

Really cool! Great job on all of these!

By Deiken

Added your Zerg buildings to my Starcraft Sporecast. Nice work. Keep'em coming. Buddied.


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