Alcasys Mountain Laboratory


By SlivaStari
12/07/2008 - 04:24:13

Type: House building
Rating: 5.34 (Good)
Tags: alcasys, avianwings, contest, crystal, house, laboratroy, mountainoushome, physics, pond, pool, research, slivastari, water


I designed this for AvianWing's contest. This Alcasysan compound is used as long term scientists researching relatively safer subjects, such as quantum physics. As such, it needed a more natural feel, complete with a swimming pond.


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By sirhc502

Wow!!! wicked awsome!!!!!!

By Blitztanis

Man. another one that should be featured. It's perfect. R+

By TorgOwl

Nice blend of high tech a shore scene

By morandas

hey hey, this is getting bvery intricate! I like thsi alot. you are very creative!

By deadlineclick

whoa. the shiny textures and sweet colors are just plain dope.add the ill design and you have awe inspiring creations. i could look at your stuff all day. sheesh.

By jcaulder94

Rather work at Black Mesa

By Unknownmythos

Great design. Another amazing building

By Aaarrrggg

Wow theres so much going on here, amazing constriction! ** Added to my Top Picks Sporecast **

By JGvardija

Wonderful work! Love the swimming pond!

By FritoPie

wow. superb detail.

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