Destroyed Factory
Not rated

By Andeavor
11/27/2008 - 20:37:14

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: factory, glory, ruins, ryuujin, set;destroyed, survive, war


After the battle of Ryuujin, the city was destoyed and the surviving people forced out of their homes. When the war was over, the citizens didn't have much and so they moved back into their ruined cities and started to rebuild them to their former glory.


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By luluthedog

Create the Battle of Ryuujin!

By bodyman45

RobotX31, oyu are right and wrong. Andeavor makes the best buildings, not EVERYTHING!

By Timewaster

This is realy good

By RobotX31

u r the best on spore...............

By SaberToothGirl

You should do an adventure of the Battle Of Ryuujin!

By BrokenEye

nice use of the balcony peice to make the exposed rebar

By gimli797

Batle of Ryuujin?

By metroidkid1992

wow man great hope you dont mind if i use it in an adventure?

By Ravikka

I featured this creation and a few of your other destroyed buildings in my Fallout 3 sporecast! Great work!

By Tahlana

awesome factory, I love the hole in the side of the building. Your structures are all briliant!

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