By Manifestation
11/27/2008 - 09:30:17
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)
Tags: blankverse, bvx, elements, entertainment, four, monument, pedestal, statue, structure, what is it?, whatisit?
(Repainted from BlankVerse's "What Is It". Inspired by the ruins from the "Fifth Element" movie...)
This statue was first unearthed on the T1 planet of Earth in the Sol system, after extensive research was conducted underground by the scientists of various alien species, leading them to speculate that the planet Earth may have once been the home of a primitive race of creatures which were making the transit from civilised beings to spacefarers.
Its purpose is unknown, but many races agree that it is a fine piece of art, and replicas of it have been used throughout the galaxy as aesthetically-pleasing monuments. It is unfortunate that these naive races know naught of the collossal power that only the original holds......
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By B3D14
You got my vote.
By Rennar
Amazing colors, and nice concept!
By akilahanahid
Love it R+++
By Stuki
WOOWAHAHA!!! That is so amazing flippen awesome!!!
By Heistercrabb
Nice! The colored outlines give it a tron like quality. R+
By Bokoo
Sweet house! rated up^^
By adamdarlington
By Psychichazard
that's a _beauty_.
By Manifestation
Thanks guys. =) Will do!
By GhostMOB
good job...subscribe to ghostmob an tell me whatcha think about my stuff
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