Noid Dropship
Not rated

By nr20minutes
11/20/2008 - 04:17:10

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: ratchet and clank, set:tyhrranoid


A bulky transport ship with enough cargo space to carry small platoons of Tyhrranoid infantry and armored vehicles to and fro.[based on the PS2 game "Ratchet and Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal"]


By kj98316

Woow! Amazing job on these! Cant understand how you get it so perfect!! R

By mustachioz75

Looks exactly like the one from the game - good job!

By Daxterdude

OMG thats so awesome!! Just like the real one!!!

By bernsjack

lol i love the 3rd rac!

By Yellow Gellow

Brilliant!! Just like the real one!

By voradix

absolutly amazing u totaly need to make a spore cast.i will be checking in to see if u have made one.

By Ahvena

This is soo awesome! It looks so much like the real one! R+

By scottstone

This is amazing! I have a tyhrranoid empire with a noid dropship too, but this one is way better!


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