Red Baron
Not rated

By Al_B_Bach
10/31/2008 - 06:30:10

Type: Military air vehicle
Rating: 0.82 (Not rated)
Tags: military, plane, props, triplane, ww1


Weak attempt at a triplane. Need more parts... like wheels. Lot wrong with it realisticly, but what cha gonna do.


By OilLupus

Hey not bad, I was going to make one, but decided not to, Youve done a better job then I could haev though anyway

By DrFrankNStain

WHAT. R. U. TALKING ABOUT?!!??!!??!? things freaking AWESOMe, man. I tryd sumthin like this, but it, er, ran out of parts before I finished the wings so I ended up scrapping it...

By Al_B_Bach

Looks good flying though...

By Al_B_Bach

Just being critical of myself... it will never be a Fokker Dr/VIII. I tried, and debated if I should release it. It is cheesie IMHO.

By Xofour

It looks really great though. If you hadn't said anything I would have thought you did an awesome job.

By Al_B_Bach

Please check out all my critters and rate them. Hope you like them, if so, add me to your buds list. I'm learning, so constructive critique is welcome. If you use them as a template, I don't mind, but PLEASE give me due credit. I work hard on these. TY!


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