Not rated

By Al_B_Bach
10/29/2008 - 02:36:51
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: lights, spaceship
You know those weird lights you see in the sky, well I know what they are. Explorer ship
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By Bugah
Have you seen my star creation? It is really bright like this one.
By Bugah
Wow! Very cool.
By SharnaSanveech
Woah, this is bright! good job, I'll have to check on this stuff again some time!
By Al_B_Bach
Picture dosen't really do this justice. Really is bright.
By Al_B_Bach
Please check out all my critters and rate them. Hope you like them. I'm still learning, so constructive critique is welcome. If you use them as a template, I don't mind, but PLEASE give me due credit. I work hard on these. TY!