Not rated

By Hydro_Glyph
10/10/2008 - 02:05:54

Type: Religious water vehicle
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: arc, civilization, greys, hydro_glyph, religious sea, set:arc_empire 1, space, spice


{ Zeta-Reticulan } In the campaign against organized religion the Greys have developed audio warfare to intimidate and terrorize cults. The ARC Monk uses subsonic vibrations to damage hearing, disrupt focus cause intense migrains and disrupt an retaliation.


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By Neepogroz

cool!- deep sea creatures in water is your thing, and squids in psace is mine! -amazing work!

By Cowboy_Cleatus

Awesome work. Love the teeth.

By axell13

R++ very cool

By Jonzo

Like an angler fish!

By KappnFun


By Trigidgo

Awesome creation. And thankyou very much for all the comments.

By randomguy95

amazing ship BTW R+

By randomguy95

cool desc at first, looks like a mechanical killer fish neat! again this one also should get featured

By Hyan2

:O this is engenious! great originality. i love the teeth.

By Los_Hampos

Wow, that's one awesome fish! Err... Remind me to never go to a pool-party on your planet, 'kay?

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