Galactic Dolphin
Not rated

By Gryphon57
10/02/2008 - 13:34:58

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: dolphin, gryphon57, spaceship


What else would a giant space dolphin do but play keep-away with planets!
and yes...another dolphin! :P


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By sungur

wow, es schaut sehr realistisch aus

By OmegaZero

Whats up with all the dolphins? I mean, it's not like there bad or anything, but please!

By davinci726

HAHA! but u forgot the moon... R

By Triobite

nice work

By akandrew

You guys just don't stop!

By creamypig

its realy cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By gaz1636

Nice one

By quack500

Hey awesome spaceship but if you look at it's eyes and then move the background the eyes follow you!!! =)

By octoboy

Gotta love dem cetaceans!

By Miko1234


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