Not rated


By Aaarrrggg
09/27/2008 - 23:22:50

Type: Tribal creature
Rating: 1.85 (Not rated)
Tags: aaarrrggg, alpaca, color, colour, domestic, farm, feather, fur, goat, green, grumpy, herbivore, hookedonspore, llama, paint, purple, spit, texture, totalspore, wool


(TRIBAL) Despite achieving the sentience to form a tribe the Brubarah are still as grouchy as their ancestors the Bruba. They will begrudgingly socialize with other species if absolutely necessary, but will abruptly leave any conversation that isn't centered around their fabulous purple coats.


DNA points
60 Bones2 Feet2 Hands
Diet: Herbivore
Health: +0
1 %
100 %
8 / 20
7 / 20
3 / 15
4 / 52 / 50 / 5
0 / 54 / 53 / 5
3 / 51 / 50 / 5
1 / 50 / 5

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By werderfan2012

wow really cool ..i love the coloring and the posture,R+

By BlueGenesis

In my game they fly around in cigarettes and are obsessed with eating things, but they've been very good allies.

By TheUltimate13579

IT LOOKS LIKE A LLAMA STANDING!!!! OH!! OH!! COOL!!!......i like it..

By TheUltimate13579

hey did u add mine?....i made one....

By Aaarrrggg

I did indeedy! The (ALL) one is at http://www.spore.com/sporepedia#qry=usr-Aaarrrggg|2262857671%3Assc-500043671341

By MyCretureOwnsUrs

never mind i found it! and mine's on their!

By MyCretureOwnsUrs

oohhh did u add mine 2 those casts? and wat r the names of the spore casts?

By Aaarrrggg

I have! :) There are 2 Bura Sporecasts; one with all of mine, and the other with them PLUS other creators Buras... its at 259 and growing! o_O

By MyCretureOwnsUrs

u know wat else u should do? u should make a spore cast of the buras other ppl made

By MyCretureOwnsUrs

u should make a cyborg chicken creature or a idiana jones/explorer bura. it'd b cool 2 c them made since i don't have the experience 2 bring the ideas 2 life

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