Hyrule Castle OoT
Not rated

By LegoDraco
09/23/2008 - 22:29:59

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: castle, hyrule, ocarina, zelda


From the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the N64


By krakra79

Nice! but you forgot to make the hole where link crawls in to meet zelda, but that dosen't mind. VERY GOODY AWSOME! ;) :) :D

By Combat-Fly


By EwansFungusLand

these can be used as props for GA

By Angyboy99

Igot OOT on n64 and i can see the door to the right side of the castle but you forgot the side bit where child link jumps in

By coredramon

very detailed

By Ottufo

All your buildings are amazing

By turnip753

Great sporecast :) I love all these zelda houses. Very accurate and well made


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