Ringed Air Muncher T
Not rated

By AzruPL
09/23/2008 - 15:23:32

Type: Economic air vehicle
Rating: 1 (Not rated)
Tags: jet, leaves, rings, set:terbashoog


Dominating the skies was the last step on Terbashoog civilization's path to conquering the planet and it has been done with this magnificent aeroplane. Perfect at all fields no other air vehicle can stand a chance.


By NovosGermania

I like that

By Jakiestoopid

Its not the typical shape most would use for an aircraft which gives this design the edge thats needed ;)

By Ragat

Nice design.
Is a good shape.
+rated up.

By JGvardija

Agreed, the design on this is awesome!

By ElDuderino42

Very interesting design.


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