Not rated

By Saturndjinni
09/22/2008 - 17:32:24

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.48 (Not rated)
Tags: nintendo, smash bros, ssbb, vidya


your robotic operating buddy


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By jacobc01

He's cute!

By shadowlessoul

it looks like the eyes follow me when i turn it! nice work!

By Melloumin

The colors are fine

By mada_1998

You got the colors wrong.

By cmb2kool

can you look at my guys but you dont have to 1+

By TheNeoianOne

My name is Rob o.O nice bot though

By VCInc

awesome job with this!

By Kelmaro

lol neat

By Ickabod

That is awesome!

By Gryphon57

wonderful space ship! and glad u enjoy i-dog..hehhe..more fun as a spacecraft then the real i-dog:)

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