Jenner IIC
Not rated

By Alrowan
09/08/2008 - 15:52:49

Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.45 (Not rated)
Tags: battlemech, battletech, jenner, mech, mechwarrior


the Jenner IIC mech based off the battletech universe


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By 4c2p0

cool mechs i've tried making one but i'm just nogood at the mechs

By Halocloud

Sweet, looks like the Madcat

By ANderson2230

Good Stuff dude!

By Webos

Is it alright if i add your Jenner IIC and your Jumper Ship to my spore cast ?

By cybotrek

good job!

By Webos

awsome i know Mech Warrior ripped battle Tech off but i loved this one in Mech Warriors Mercinaries. OH if you want to made any of my Mechs or buildings to your Mech/Battle Tech spore cast feel free but you i got a Diashi,Mad Cat,Mad Dog

By Vkihyone

Nice job! this is going into my mech sporecast. now all we need is for EA to add the missles to ground and air vehicles to make it perfect.

By thegragg

good looking Jenner

By TheMadTypist216

I remember in Mechwarrior 2 when a pair of these would jump off a plateau and sometimes, the fall would kill them. Nice representation, makes me all nostalgic.

By Orvelo64

This actually loogs good :)

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