War of Religions / Analysis

By Vidrohi
10/27/2024 - 06:06:57

Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 10 (Good)

Basic info
Intro message:
Rose of the Desert is one of the principalities of the conglomerate of fragmented lands torn apart by their neighbors. Your task is to conquer their capital.
Win message:
You have successfully resolved a conflict to the satisfaction of your king and also thwarted the betrayal against you. It is time to rest...
Lose message:
You fell in battle. The attack failed.
ACT 1 :   Go to the meeting point.
General de'Moral has already gathered troops and is preparing to attack, while the enemy is preparing its defense. Do not let yourself be distracted, not even by aliens.
ACT 2 :   Organization of the attack
The enemy has launched a defensive sortie! We must eliminate their archers and destroy the fortress gate! Grenades will surely help with this.
ACT 3 :   Invasion of the fortress
The gates are open! Forward!
ACT 4 :   Next destination, the palace.
We have conquered the fortress. But the main objective lies behind the stone walls of the palace, which are not so easy to overcome. We must find out from the general what his plans are.
ACT 5 :   Blasting
Command has been given to you and the Knights of Caeruleum Lux. Let's see what happens.
ACT 6 :   Storming the Sultan's Palace
Das Tor wurde zerstört! Offenbar hatte der Feind den größten Teil seiner Streitkräfte verloren. Ihre Überreste verteidigen die letzte Linie. Angriff!
ACT 7 :   It's not over yet
The fortress has been captured! We must now talk to the general.
ACT 8 :   Murder of a priest
This priest knows too much, he has somehow found out that you are no longer stable in your faith. I have to get rid of him.
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