the End of the Ackoli planet / Analysis
By Filip2013
03/29/2024 - 15:48:13
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: -7.5 (Bad)
Basic info
Intro message:
Talk to the officer to begin your mission - this will be easy, but watch out!
Talk to the officer to begin your mission - this will be easy, but watch out!
Win message:
You've won and survived! But there's always more to do. You're going into cryosleep for four decades as we sail through the void to a new world at 20% light speed. But for now, enjoy your rest
You've won and survived! But there's always more to do. You're going into cryosleep for four decades as we sail through the void to a new world at 20% light speed. But for now, enjoy your rest
Lose message:
You died, but so what? There's always more reserves. You're not important.
You died, but so what? There's always more reserves. You're not important.
ACT 1 :
ACT 2 :
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