Secret mission / Analysis

By Crilat
03/19/2022 - 21:50:59

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Win message:
Oh wow, what a day...
ACT 1 :   
Thalqi of the Qho'qre Empire has a secret mission for you. Ask him about it.
ACT 2 :   
Speak with Ghephaill, who is suppossed to help you on this mission. He probabaly also knows where to find these Oculsweepers.
ACT 3 :   
Why is Ghephaill acting so weirdly about this? Oh well, we will see later... Go to the forest, east from here.
ACT 4 :   
Right infront of us! 5 Oculsweeper! But before we can get one of them for their horns, we should get the Phiondlerok out of the way
ACT 5 :   
Awesome! Take one of the Oculsweepers, put them in the bag and bring it to Thalqi.
ACT 6 :   
Speak with Thalqi and Ghepaill.
ACT 7 :   
Wait a minute something is wrong here... Ask the commander about this Oculsweeper mission.
ACT 8 :   
Oh no! Quickly stop Thalqi and Ghaphaill before it's too late!
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