Really weird world / Analysis

By Diopapito
03/07/2020 - 20:17:28

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Oh!, They have send you a mission, you need to defeat the evil crocodile king and save Raichu!
Win message:
Your Mission has been completed! Congratulations! i will make a second part if people like it.
Lose message:
Somehow you died :(
ACT 1 :   Pokemon
Catch Mew and Rowlet and kill Mewtwo
ACT 2 :   Ruins
Go to the ruins of Holitomet
ACT 3 :   Holimotet Dragon
Kill the Holimotet Dragon
ACT 4 :   The castle
Kill the dragon from the castle.
ACT 5 :   The crocodile king
Enter the castle and speak with the crocodile king
ACT 6 :   A crocodile fight
Kill the crocodile warriors and the king
ACT 7 :   Make Crocland great again!
Congratulations! You saved the crocodile kingdom from the evil crocodile king! Now catch Raichu and talk with the now free crocodile citizens!
ACT 8 :   Sweet, Sweet home
Just go back home!
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