The path to Kindness (P1) / Analysis

By DogeisCut
06/11/2019 - 02:20:27

Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have arrived on this here planet, you were told there was a very grumpy Ricawks, your goal is to see if you can get a Ricawks to be nice, Look! Thats the first thing you can do! Gift Food!
Win message:
Not today, but maybe tommrow. You know what they say. Keep trying a mission even till tomorrow! (Do they say that?)
Lose message:
That... no...
ACT 1 :   Food
Who doesnt like food!? this will show him the act of *Gift*
ACT 2 :   Lets see what he thinks
Talk to him!
ACT 3 :   That was rude... Lets try again
That was unexpected... What else can we do? I KNOW! lets get him a pet spoffit!
ACT 4 :   Uh Oh
Oh dear... we will try again tomorrow... The most you can do right now is wait till we get our ship, should take like 30 seconds.
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