The D-Guardian (1) REMAKE / Analysis

By DrakoloogAstrid
04/16/2018 - 16:43:10

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.35 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Wat gebeurt er? Waar ben ik nu beland? Dit is gek! Een besneeuwd landschap met een vurig meer? Hoog tijd om op onderzoek te gaan!
Win message:
Ypu saved the Hydra's egg and made the succes on winning the war for the dragons a lot higher! However, it doesn't end here. I hope you enjoyed this mission! If so, stay tuned for part 2!
Lose message:
It's okay, mistakes can be made. Just try it again, and skip all the dialogues. Be careful around those monsters next time :)
ACT 1 :   Mechan
An odd dragon is walking towards you. Maybe he did the call for help?
ACT 2 :   Skye
Why is this place so vast, but empty? No single tree to spot. Something terrible must have happened. Let's hear what that dragon Skye has to say.
ACT 3 :   The Hydra
We should follow Skye and hear what's the lost thing she's talking about.
ACT 4 :   Let's go.
Looks like the responsibility is great in this case.
ACT 5 :   Outnumbered.
It's time to show them our moves!
ACT 6 :   The battle.
Try get the egg, without dying in the process! (Seriously, be careful. They're with many.)
ACT 7 :   RUN

ACT 8 :   We did it!
Bring the egg to Hydra immediatly!
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