Specimen Retrieval / Analysis

By Quetzaldactyl
10/11/2017 - 04:12:46

Type: Socialize adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You've beamed down to the location of the skilled expeditionary officer, Captain Maeok.
Win message:
Congratulations! You have solved Captain Maeok's predicament. The Skokkomp Empire will no doubt be grateful for your efforts.
Lose message:
Accidents happen. Try again?
ACT 1 :   Mission Briefing
Talk to Captain Maeok for a quick rundown.
ACT 2 :   Pramorn
"'Captain, the first organism for you to bring back is a Pramorn. I advise you search along the river to the left. It's docile, and will follow you once befriended."'
ACT 3 :   Techarris
"'Excellent! Now search in the forest to the right for a Techarris. It's stubborn, so you'll need to find some other way to have it follow you."'
ACT 4 :   Sarowulf
"'The final creature is a Sarowulf. It's docile for a carnivore, so befriend it as you did the Pramorn. However, it seems to have wandered into some sort of abandoned facility down the river."'
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