Terrible chase in tunnel maze / Analysis

By Vaposhka
03/11/2017 - 16:29:19

Type: Collect adventure
Rating: -3 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
Prepare to run fast!
Win message:
Subscribe to the sporecasts called "'tunnel maze"' and "'terrible chase"' if you liked this adventure!Leave some comments for me!
Lose message:
Subscribe to the sporecasts called "'tunnel maze"' and "'terrible chase"' if you liked this adventure!Leave some comments for me!
ACT 1 :   Read the instructions!

ACT 2 :   Start running!

ACT 3 :   Run!!!

ACT 4 :   Run again!

ACT 5 :   The monster is chasing you!!!

ACT 6 :   It's the finish!

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