Artikis Legands PT 1 / Analysis
By charliesmasher
01/06/2017 - 21:48:51
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Planet: Jolt-2187.Area of galaxy:The kill zone.Intellegance:Very Very High...One of the most intellegant speices...
Planet: Jolt-2187.Area of galaxy:The kill zone.Intellegance:Very Very High...One of the most intellegant speices...
Win message:
I will be making another episode soon,Mabye,possibly!(Eh dont count on it)
I will be making another episode soon,Mabye,possibly!(Eh dont count on it)
Lose message:
You...You could of gone on to discover amazing things.But you and your tribe died and were never found...
You...You could of gone on to discover amazing things.But you and your tribe died and were never found...
ACT 1 : Home...New Home...
You are a scientest of your suprisingly intellegant speicies call the atarkis.You Found a crashed ship and apparantly some sort of gun and a book of the "'Universe"'. Talk to you tribe about it.
You are a scientest of your suprisingly intellegant speicies call the atarkis.You Found a crashed ship and apparantly some sort of gun and a book of the "'Universe"'. Talk to you tribe about it.
ACT 2 : Uh Oh...
Uh No whats that in the distance?
Uh No whats that in the distance?
ACT 3 : Here They Come...
Time for action!
Time for action!
ACT 4 : That Was Close...Too Close...
Wow we dodged a bullet there, but that wont be enough to put them off...
Wow we dodged a bullet there, but that wont be enough to put them off...
ACT 5 : Burn It Down.
Looks like theres going to be alot of violance,bloodshed,...and tears...
Looks like theres going to be alot of violance,bloodshed,...and tears...
ACT 6 : Whoo Hoo!
Great job at (...murdering...them...) Winning the battle! You now may return to your village!
Great job at (...murdering...them...) Winning the battle! You now may return to your village!
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