Artikis Legands PT 1 / Analysis

By charliesmasher
01/06/2017 - 21:48:51

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Planet: Jolt-2187.Area of galaxy:The kill zone.Intellegance:Very Very High...One of the most intellegant speices...
Win message:
I will be making another episode soon,Mabye,possibly!(Eh dont count on it)
Lose message:
You...You could of gone on to discover amazing things.But you and your tribe died and were never found...
ACT 1 :   Home...New Home...
You are a scientest of your suprisingly intellegant speicies call the atarkis.You Found a crashed ship and apparantly some sort of gun and a book of the "'Universe"'. Talk to you tribe about it.
ACT 2 :   Uh Oh...
Uh No whats that in the distance?
ACT 3 :   Here They Come...
Time for action!
ACT 4 :   That Was Close...Too Close...
Wow we dodged a bullet there, but that wont be enough to put them off...
ACT 5 :   Burn It Down.
Looks like theres going to be alot of violance,bloodshed,...and tears...
ACT 6 :   Whoo Hoo!
Great job at (...murdering...them...) Winning the battle! You now may return to your village!
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