Souillé - Act 1 / Analysis

By AshcroftAnomaly
10/07/2016 - 19:47:49

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
The sound droplets and distant weeping awaken Lillian from a dreamless sleep. She finds herself in a padded room, the smell of mold stinging her nose. Where are you?
Win message:
Through the darkness Lillian and Mopsy crawl, a tunnel beckoning them to go further. Is there a light beyond or is it consumed by shadows? Stay tuned for what's ahead for Lillian.
Lose message:
"'Rest, lay your head down, Lillian. Your sister is within God's embrace, now. You and her don't have to worry, for you will soon be reunited."'
ACT 1 :   Drip-drip
Is there somebody else here? Find a way to escape this derelict cell and investigate who else is here with you. This place feels familiar to you, almost as if you have been in this same room.
ACT 2 :   Maddening Nostalgia
The silence is deafening in the abandonded corridors, the air thickening with each breath. Find that woman the bunny spoke of; use the signs hanging from the ceiling to find your way.
ACT 3 :   Feint Sun
The Doorman leaps from his post and onto the floor on all fo-- threes. Perhaps things will start looking up for you, dear Lillian, but do not stray from your path.
ACT 4 :   Into Soiled Heavens
The scent of a still burning cigarette wisps slowly through the halls once you opened the doors. Through the steps one must bare, wits and strength going hand-in-hand.
ACT 5 :   Drowned
Mankind has long since been known as honorable and brave, reduced to blubbering idiots in the face of horror. Huntington is no different, but Lillian knows she must be brave.
ACT 6 :   Sixth Sense
Everything is empty, there is no one here but feelings shrouded through time build the constructs felt around you. You can feel the room choking you, not just the mold...
ACT 7 :   Aperature
Something isn't right in the air... You need to go, now.
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