TSandTS finale tribute remake / Analysis
By alexbiri
05/02/2015 - 08:05:49
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Reminder from emperormiguel: For the last time; speak from the order of Top-to-Bottom. If you're interested in more TS&<>"'TS content, visit the online Sporum pages! Thanks for the journey friend.
Reminder from emperormiguel: For the last time; speak from the order of Top-to-Bottom. If you're interested in more TS&<>"'TS content, visit the online Sporum pages! Thanks for the journey friend.
Win message:
TACTICAL FEEL, INCOMING!*nuclear explosion sounds*
TACTICAL FEEL, INCOMING!*nuclear explosion sounds*
Lose message:
Can you believe there's actually a fail message fro this adventure? You know, in case you jump of a cliff or something...
Can you believe there's actually a fail message fro this adventure? You know, in case you jump of a cliff or something...
ACT 1 : Say Last Goodbyes (Pt 1)
ACT 2 : Say Last Goodbyes (pt 2)
ACT 3 : Speak with Meletus
ACT 4 : Look to the Future
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