Oz'gor Creeps / Analysis

By alexsebok
01/16/2015 - 21:20:17

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 1.21 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Note: Power-up packs are disguised. (health,energy,etc.)Have fun!
Win message:
Good job on completeing this adventure,captain! If your enjoyed make sure the hit that rate-up button! Made by: alexsebok.
Lose message:
Ouch, are you sure you have the weapons to fight with? Try again!
ACT 1 :   Dungeon
Get down from the rocks and start searching for the exit!
ACT 2 :   Dungeon
Looks like there are some spiders ... and also traps hidden in the grass! Find the red key..
ACT 3 :   Dungeon
A green gate without a key.. Searching for the key would be a good idea.
ACT 4 :   Dungeon
Make your way up to the two queen's pit and earn those keys by killing them to open the next gates!
ACT 5 :   Dungeon
Open these gates next to the pit, when open, follow the dirt road till the Dungeon Gate.
ACT 6 :   Arena
There is another direction where the road is leading. Maybe the "'brothers"' are found there?
ACT 7 :   Arena
Slay those creeps to get the key before you will be their food!
ACT 8 :   Escape
Pick up the key and go through the gate. Your spaceship is waiting for you.
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