What Lies Ahead / Analysis

By SirIsaacC
01/13/2015 - 01:36:58

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.6 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Try to find out what lies ahead... if you dare.
Win message:
Congrats! You've found what lies ahead, the fate of the galaxy is what lies ahead.
Lose message:
You have failed to know the truth of lies ahead.
ACT 1 :   The Start of a War Age
Talk to the Quetarian Leader for the Quest.
ACT 2 :   Village #1
Destroy Village #1
ACT 3 :   Report Card
Report to the Qeutarian Leader.
ACT 4 :   Village #2
Destroy Village #2
ACT 5 :   Poor Decisions
Embarrass the leader (talk to him)
ACT 6 :   Bad Luck
Report back to the Qeutarain Leader
ACT 7 :   What lies ahead
What is that?
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