Trouble in Las Muertas / Analysis

By sarry2
09/15/2014 - 00:46:01

Type: Explore adventure
Rating: 0.52 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You have just arrived at a well known city to refuel. Something tells you that this won't be a simple refueling.
Win message:
Finally, a good, long nap. You could use one; especially with what is troubling your mind. But alas, that is tomorrow's troubles.
Lose message:
Your corpse will rot in the desert, unknown to anyone but your killer.
ACT 1 :   Landing
You need to find a refueling station, ask someone nice and they will probably direct you.
ACT 2 :   Refeuling Station
Go inside and talk to the worker so you can get your ship fueled.
ACT 3 :   Waiting Game
Well you have some time on your hands so you might as well try to earn some moolah. Try to find someone with money and problems.
ACT 4 :   Simple task
The mayor just wants you to go get his sunglasses. Shouldn't be too hard, even with the desert creatures.
ACT 5 :   Discovery
You found the glasses, but what is that thing on the ground?
ACT 6 :   Rests
The mayor is acting strange, but you are really tired. A free bed to sleep in sounds real nice right about now. You can figure out everything after you wake up.
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