Dreamworld / Analysis

By Mf99knanvicyr
06/24/2014 - 00:25:09

Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: -0.02 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Well, you're not really sure how you got there but the last thing you remember involved some sort of....triangle or something?
Win message:
Congradulations! You got out with your sanity still intact!
Lose message:
Uhoh, looks like someone lost to their nightmares...
ACT 1 :   
You've found yourself on some sort of odd planet. Doesn't seem like there's anyone here but that portal over there doesn't look very inviting. But wait, what's that over there?
ACT 2 :   
Maybe if you collect some of the oddities around you that altar might give you more clues...
ACT 3 :   
give offerings back to the shrine
ACT 4 :   
Well that would have probably been helpful information if you could understand it..."'UHDG WKH VFUROO"'
ACT 5 :   
uhh, now what? There must be some obvious way out of here..."'LI BRX ZDQW WR OHDYH JR LQ WKH SRUWDO VLOOB"'
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