Part I- Villain Jail Escape / Analysis

By Mr_Winky
03/25/2014 - 17:57:04

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -5 (Bad)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are a famous outlaw called Freaky Dink. Theieving is your trade. It's something very natural to you, but today, something VERY unnatural will happen to you.
Win message:
Now you have been abducted by aliens. Time to do your natural job to help these guys. The next part will be your first mission.
Lose message:
Use Sprint to get to the pad quickly! It IS possible.
ACT 1 :   Caught
You have been cornered down by the police after your most recent robbery.
ACT 2 :   Follow the Officers!
Ugh, going to jail for the 10th time! You just can't help stealin' stuff!
ACT 3 :   Sit and Think in Jail
I Know! I can steal a key from the officer when he comes checking on me and break out! It's brilliant!
ACT 4 :   GET OUT!
They're going to lockdown the place in 20 seconds! GET OUT!
ACT 5 :   Scene Change
Wow, what a topic change! It looks like some aliens have abducted you!
ACT 6 :   Money
Give them that giant coin you picked up on the way to your getaway.
ACT 7 :   RICH!
ACT 8 :   Explore
Look around the ship a bit and then talk to Prince Qwrz to go to your first robbery.
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