Pokemon of Igglytropolis / Analysis

By Foozboogie
03/12/2014 - 02:01:38

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You're Puffette Tuneswell, an 11-year-old jigglypuff living in Igglytropolis. You've just had some hot buttered poffins at Snuffler's Nest and you're about to pay for them.
Win message:
"'I hope I won't get punished for getting home late..."'(PS: Stop dancing, it's not funny!)
Lose message:
After the attack, you find that you can't get up. Eventually, someone in the Snuffler's Nest takes you to the Pokemon Centre.
ACT 1 :   Snuffler's Nest
"'Aah... there's nothing like a plate of hot buttered poffins on a cold night! Time to pay now."'
ACT 2 :   Going home
"'I should go home now- I promised to be there by 7:00 and if I'm late, I'll probably have to clean the toilet or something!"' (You have to walk ON the path, not near it!)
ACT 3 :   Attack of the... what?
"'Huh?! Wh-what's that?!"' *Drops umbrella*
ACT 4 :   "'I'm LATE!"'
"'What happened!? I have to go home and tell someone!"'
ACT 5 :   

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