Return from the Moon / Analysis

By LoneChipmunk
11/12/2013 - 02:46:02

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Here come the aliens! Rely on the help of your brothers and the turrets provided! They're a massive help! Remember, you have special ammo rounds, grenades, and a first aid kit behind you.
Win message:
At last, they've been killed off. Hopefully...this will be the last of them.
Lose message:
The inevadeable take over of the world is upon us...(Do you want this?! Try again! The aliens must be stoped!)
ACT 1 :   

ACT 2 :   

ACT 3 :   

ACT 4 :   

ACT 5 :   

ACT 6 :   

ACT 7 :   

ACT 8 :   

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