Chaos Rising Volume 1 / Analysis

By 96Stormvermin
07/05/2013 - 18:03:44

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Heavy fighting on the streets has forced you to beam down in an alley. Your ship has been badly damaged, and has flown away for repairs.
Win message:
To be continued...
Lose message:
Well, the civil war continues unabated. This could have disastrous consequences for the Cymryl later on.. unless you want to try again?
ACT 1 :   What's going on?
You should ask around, see if anyone knows anything about what's happening.
ACT 2 :   Follow the gangster...
Seriously, follow her.
ACT 3 :   Um...
How long were you examining the bodies? It seems that the fighting has spread over to here.
ACT 4 :   The Catacombs
These catacombs were used in days gone by as a place to bury the dead. Of course, it's overrun with Omales, and water has seeped into them. Don't even think about swimming in that water.
ACT 5 :   What is that thing?
Didn't the commando just tell you that this sort of thing DOESN'T get trapped down here? And that it doesn't grow this big?
ACT 6 :   The Cunning Plot
The commando's have the solution to the next problem. Go talk to them foryour next assignment.
ACT 7 :   Somethings not right....
Something just happened, and it's not good, not good at all...
ACT 8 :   Victory! We have victory!
What? I can't refer to Lord of the Rings with this acts title? Or break the fourth wall? On a more serious note, go talk to Commisar Sermos and the Joadel ambassador for your de-briefing.
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