Frontline / Analysis
By Chaikorizy
06/08/2013 - 18:18:05
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -0.08 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Well. This is Awkward
Well. This is Awkward
Win message:
You left,only knowing what might be coming...
You left,only knowing what might be coming...
Lose message:
Well, You did something wrong. Try again?
Well, You did something wrong. Try again?
ACT 1 : Holy...
Defend Beano and Fendar! Afterwards you can discuss why these datals are here
Defend Beano and Fendar! Afterwards you can discuss why these datals are here
ACT 2 : Breifing
Take out any last Vulkorans and Talk to Fendar and Beano.
Take out any last Vulkorans and Talk to Fendar and Beano.
ACT 3 : What in the...
What are those? Kill them!
What are those? Kill them!
ACT 4 : Get to the Rendevous!
Make sure Those two make it as well!
Make sure Those two make it as well!
ACT 5 : Talk
Rajas-Veer has some things to say
Rajas-Veer has some things to say
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