The Dalek Invasion of Car'tol / Analysis

By coolgod107
02/12/2013 - 01:38:25

Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
These planet's mines are thick with blue spice. What could the Daleks want with it?
Win message:
Woo! The Colony is happy as can be, the Daleks are gone, and you have a decent sum of sliver in your cargo hold! Guess who's getting the best HEXA Slipspace Quantum drive in thier own ship!
Lose message:
The Daleks have exterminated you, and are bound to wipe the colony off the map! But don't worry, you have a backup plan: The Retry Button! That is, if you feel like trying again.
ACT 1 :   Koh'nos
Looks like that perky-looking guy heading towards you is here to tell you what's up.
ACT 2 :   The Mines
Go and explore a bit to figure out what's going on here yourself, too! Talking to the headmaster, Har'glas, may not tell you everything you want to know.
ACT 3 :   The Gatekeeper and the Key
Sheesh, talk about a mix-up! Everyone pointing to everyone else. Might as well talk to the Gatekeeper, whatever his name is.
ACT 4 :   Onward!
Now to the base! And just your luck, the Daleks are not on patrol! They still left some defenses, but you can take them!
ACT 5 :   The Gate and the Base
The gate seems to be locked, but there should be a way to break through, like weilding torch or something. Check that destroyed outpost back there for anything.
ACT 6 :   Takedown
There has to be a way to stop them. These Daleks wouldn't think out everything, you know that. Try and find a way to take them down from within!
ACT 7 :   The Super-Weapon
Now to only stall those Daleks until support comes...
ACT 8 :   Victory!
Now those Daleks are nothing more! Mission complete, so go back to the colony for some good-old-fashoined glory!
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