The Trilogy Of Ranos 5 / Analysis

By Jaserk
12/20/2012 - 00:19:07
Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0.21 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
As you step onto the black sand, you feel an adrenaline rush of excitement as you gaze upon this new realm.
As you step onto the black sand, you feel an adrenaline rush of excitement as you gaze upon this new realm.
Win message:
Looks like it's back to Ilsania. Shoot. I thought we were done with that planet.
Looks like it's back to Ilsania. Shoot. I thought we were done with that planet.
Lose message:
This new planet proves more hostile than ever...
This new planet proves more hostile than ever...
ACT 1 : Bordevrio
Conseco is scouting ahead. What was he able to find out about this new planet?
Conseco is scouting ahead. What was he able to find out about this new planet?
ACT 2 : The Wreck
Looks like Conseco found a ship.
Looks like Conseco found a ship.
ACT 3 : The Pirates
I wonder what's the matter with Conseco?
I wonder what's the matter with Conseco?
ACT 4 : Go!
Run back to the portal! Screw Bordevrio! Your way off Ilsania is at stake!
Run back to the portal! Screw Bordevrio! Your way off Ilsania is at stake!
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