Fight Or Die / Analysis
By hopsandmalt
07/24/2012 - 18:57:58
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.41 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the base armor up and then FIGHT!
Welcome to the base armor up and then FIGHT!
Win message:
You Have Won The fight! Hopefully the grox wont come back...
You Have Won The fight! Hopefully the grox wont come back...
Lose message:
Now the grox has claimed this place HES!
Now the grox has claimed this place HES!
ACT 1 : Sharka the leader
Talk to sharka! the leader of this big town!
Talk to sharka! the leader of this big town!
ACT 2 : Fighter
Kill those to fighters on that hill! There Creating the Infection Bomb!
Kill those to fighters on that hill! There Creating the Infection Bomb!
ACT 3 : energy golem
I didnt know there was such thing as an energy golem! anyways... KILL IT!
I didnt know there was such thing as an energy golem! anyways... KILL IT!
ACT 4 : The pod
Destroy that pod once and for all!
Destroy that pod once and for all!
ACT 5 : Sharka
Talk to sharka!
Talk to sharka!
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