The Traveling Zoo / Analysis
By Jaserk
05/27/2012 - 13:32:50
Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
You have called upon to help the BTZ with their problem.
You have called upon to help the BTZ with their problem.
Win message:
Good job, Captain. What a shocking turn of events, eh?
Good job, Captain. What a shocking turn of events, eh?
Lose message:
Wildlife:1 Captain:0
Wildlife:1 Captain:0
ACT 1 : The Problem
You're here, but why were you summoned? Maybe the zoo official can shed some light on this.
You're here, but why were you summoned? Maybe the zoo official can shed some light on this.
ACT 2 : The Rinno Pack
Snap to it and collect them before the BTZ's show starts!
Snap to it and collect them before the BTZ's show starts!
ACT 3 : Graknox, King Of The Caves
What the-? Who is that? You'd better solve this mystery-fast!
What the-? Who is that? You'd better solve this mystery-fast!
ACT 4 : Epic Battle
The final obstacle. Kill him so you can get out of here!
The final obstacle. Kill him so you can get out of here!
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