Last Minutes of Camp Rothbard / Analysis

By Michal04
05/06/2012 - 19:02:59

Type: Defend adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You barely made it alive from that crash! Talk to Baal for instructions.
Win message:
You have been taken as a prisoner. At least you live. That's good, no?
Lose message:
You have died fighting.....
ACT 1 :   The Chase
Looks like you're one of the few that survived the crash. It appears that Baal made it alive too. Better talk with him before those loyalists will fry you with their lasers!
ACT 2 :   A New Hope?
What is this? A hologram?
ACT 3 :   Caves
Enter the cave anb get to the Revolutionist Camp through the tunnel. Find the blast doors and contact Melhir through standing nearby console.
ACT 4 :   Standby!
Wait for the doors to open.
ACT 5 :   Welcome to Fort Rothbard.
Talk with Melhir, then find the commander of this camp .
ACT 6 :   The Last Stand
Defend yourself!
ACT 7 :   The End
Something's wrong with your weapon! It looks like someone deactivated your rifle. It appears they have taken you as a prisoner. Well... at least you're not dead?
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