Ruthless Galaxy pt1-Natu / Analysis

By Sokar84
05/05/2012 - 21:29:41

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
This is Natu,the Nhurg's prison colony.
Win message:
You're going to be imprisoned on a Dominion Cruiser and you dance!?You're insane!!!!To be continued......
Lose message:
Let me guess......You tripped and fell into a lava pit right?
ACT 1 :   Mission-Meeting the devil
Your mission is to meet with the Nhurg in control of this prison,once in the building,keep strait to find his office.His name is Sokar.He is rumored to be connected with the Dominion somehow.
ACT 2 :   Pretend to leave....
Head for the way you came in,but find a to spy on Sokar.....
ACT 3 :   OMG!Karthla!!!!
Well,if that's not proof that Sokar is working for the Dominion I don't know what is.
ACT 4 :   Get out of here!
Escape the prison!Oh,and kill the Nhurg guards while you're at it.
ACT 5 :   Captured
You have no choice but to surrender or die.
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