TLoS TIWP Prolouge / Analysis

By Neongirl713
04/26/2012 - 01:57:01

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You are home from a meeting. As Rex, play to find the importaint things to remember when you go along in the siries.
Win message:
Sharda will...Die? O_O And why does her father know? WHat has he seen?Well, those are importaint things to know.
Lose message:
You don't like it?...oh....
ACT 1 :   
You are going to see Baby Sharda.(Use the map if you are lost and once you're in the castle.
ACT 2 :   

ACT 3 :   
Go out of Sharda's room to talk to her mother.
ACT 4 :   

ACT 5 :   

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