Clark and Stanley Go Fishing / Analysis

By Neongirl713
02/23/2012 - 18:14:29

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.2 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
One day at Shark Cove...
Win message:
Sigh. They have the IQ (seprately) of about 40. Not as much as the human avarage of 98. (C+S are 58 points short in IQ points). But don't Dance. They are dead and it's sad. Kinda.
ACT 1 :   

ACT 2 :   
Move back. Suriously.
ACT 3 :   ZOMG!
What is happening?!?
ACT 4 :   O-O
Oh, no! The Sharks did it!
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