Land Of Flame / Analysis

By zamostros
02/20/2012 - 14:37:51

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
Congratulations, youu crashed on a planet full of total wierdos.
Win message:
You won! Now let's never speak of this again.
Lose message:
Fail. Did you have more than one Hot Pocket today?
ACT 1 :   What the...
How many times do I have to tell Gracious to fill up the ship? Well, let's see if these freaks can help us.
ACT 2 :   Hot Pockets? Really?
You know, I've never eaten a Hot pocket and thought, I'm glad I ate that. I'm usually like, I'm gonna die!
ACT 3 :   Hot Pockets
Good morning! You're about to call in sick.
ACT 4 :   Totally Unnessacary Fight Scene
Is your Hot Pocket cold in the middle?It's frozen. But it can be served boiling lava hot.Will it burn my mouth?It'll destroy your mouth. Everything will tast like rubber for a month.
ACT 5 :   Relinquish the Hot Pocket.
You think they worked hard on that jingle? But anyway, give the Elder his hot pocket and leave.
ACT 6 :   Dancing.
Ok then.
ACT 7 :   Uh.
Wtf just happened? Let's get out of here.
ACT 8 :   Finally!
Let's just go. Now.
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