The Secret Files / Analysis
By flippyboy
02/04/2012 - 19:06:15
Type: Story adventure
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Your vehicle has stopped working, and the Wolfridge Hunters are closing in on you...
Your vehicle has stopped working, and the Wolfridge Hunters are closing in on you...
Win message:
You escaped from the meteor and head for your home planet...
You escaped from the meteor and head for your home planet...
Lose message:
Oh no... How is your goverment going to get your information if your dead?
Oh no... How is your goverment going to get your information if your dead?
ACT 1 :
Find out why your vehicle stopped working
Find out why your vehicle stopped working
ACT 2 :
Find the Blacksmith in the village of Bagnarot
Find the Blacksmith in the village of Bagnarot
ACT 3 :
Find the Bagnarot Elder
Find the Bagnarot Elder
ACT 4 :
Kill the Meteor Monster
Kill the Meteor Monster
ACT 5 :
Run to the evacuation ship before the timer times out
Run to the evacuation ship before the timer times out
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