Never will get home / Analysis

By 0_Ajax_0
12/08/2011 - 12:47:51

Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.25 (Not rated)

Basic info
Intro message:
You want to go home in your car. (Some parts of the adventure are a bit slow. Please be pacient and don't jump over anything)
Win message:
Weird adventure, no? The idea was originally by Ai-Dan2, and the start and the finish of this adventure is very similar to his adventure.
Lose message:
o_o How did you die?
ACT 1 :   
Go home! (forward)
ACT 2 :   

ACT 3 :   

ACT 4 :   
At last! Now you can go home. (Go forward)
ACT 5 :   
ACT 6 :   That was weird.
Well, at last. Now there isn't any house... Oh, no! The Garbage Truck no!
ACT 7 :   Now what?

ACT 8 :   
Well, you don't have anything to do now... Why not going to the saucer?
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