Plung and Lung Get Robbed / Analysis
By DreadMaster24
10/19/2011 - 23:38:21
Type: No genre adventure
Rating: -2.14 (Bad)
Basic info
Win message:
They'll be back....They always come back! New Adventure Every Monday!
They'll be back....They always come back! New Adventure Every Monday!
Lose message:
Since you lost......The Next Plung and Lung Adventure will be- Plung and Lung- Halloween Adventures!
Since you lost......The Next Plung and Lung Adventure will be- Plung and Lung- Halloween Adventures!
ACT 1 : Music? Dancing?
Why arn't they dancing?
Why arn't they dancing?
ACT 2 : Retard
You are a flipping retard lung.
You are a flipping retard lung.
ACT 3 : Insult
Misson: Make Lung Feel Stupid. Accepted.
Misson: Make Lung Feel Stupid. Accepted.
ACT 4 : Work
Well.....Lungs Brain is broken....... Guess A mans Gotta do what a Mans gotta do.
Well.....Lungs Brain is broken....... Guess A mans Gotta do what a Mans gotta do.
ACT 5 : WHAT?!?!
I Didn't Steal your money!!!!
I Didn't Steal your money!!!!
ACT 6 : Zombie!
ACT 7 : Rage
So much rage....He blows up
So much rage....He blows up
ACT 8 : What the Crap?
I don't understand what just happened!
I don't understand what just happened!
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