Battle for Klendath XXIV / Analysis
By Eppendix
10/12/2011 - 16:39:07
Type: Attack adventure
Rating: 0.02 (Not rated)
Basic info
Intro message:
Welcome to the Planet Klendathu XXIV. It seems that the war here isn't over.
Welcome to the Planet Klendathu XXIV. It seems that the war here isn't over.
Win message:
You brought the war on this planet to an end. Hopefully someone will remind your name.
You brought the war on this planet to an end. Hopefully someone will remind your name.
Lose message:
Game Over!
Game Over!
ACT 1 :
Talk to the Sergeant to get to know what the problem is.
Talk to the Sergeant to get to know what the problem is.
ACT 2 :
Talk to the Commander to get your orders.
Talk to the Commander to get your orders.
ACT 3 :
Find the Transporter Platform at the South Camp. Maybe there are enemies at the area around the destroyed building!
Find the Transporter Platform at the South Camp. Maybe there are enemies at the area around the destroyed building!
ACT 4 :
Talk to the General.
Talk to the General.
ACT 5 :
Kill the Flavoon Soldiers and collect their weapons.
Kill the Flavoon Soldiers and collect their weapons.
ACT 6 :
Kill the Flavoon Soldiers and collect their weapons.
Kill the Flavoon Soldiers and collect their weapons.
ACT 7 :
Use the Transporter Platform and talk to the General.
Use the Transporter Platform and talk to the General.
ACT 8 :
Take the decleration of surrender and use the Walky Talky to end this war!
Take the decleration of surrender and use the Walky Talky to end this war!
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